Know About Accreditation

Webster defines accreditation as the act of instilling trust or confidence, vouching for, recommending, and providing credentials, much like an envoy or ambassador.

In accordance with ISO17011:2004, accreditation signifies third-party attestation linked to a conformity assessment body, presenting a formal demonstration of its competence to execute specific assessment tasks.

Certification by the United Kingdom Accreditation Forum Certification (UKAFC) for Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) and Further Training/Educational Institutions serves as a formal demonstration of their ability to conduct specific certification, inspection, registration verification/validation, assessment, testing, calibration, and training/educational activities. This impartial assessment and acknowledgment of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) and Further Training/Educational Institutions may enable accredited organizations to have their tests, examination reports, and certificates recognized as equivalent to those from organizations in other countries.

UKAFC Certification accreditation holds international recognition, symbolizing assurance and offering numerous direct benefits:

 Highlights your competence and credibility.
 Affirms your independence and impartiality.
 Grants you international recognition with global accreditation organizations.
 Allows you to benchmark ongoing performance against relevant standards.
 Informs your clients that you have met the highest level of assessment and professionalism in the industry.
 Signals your ability to meet mandatory requirements regularly.
 Strengthens your overall competitiveness.